
Image Processing Team

主要分三部份: 影像增強、3D影像處理和人機互動介面的演算法設計。影像增強著重於還原真實色彩與細節。3D影像處理藉由分析影像內容,如色彩、物件與消失線等資訊輔助影像景深分析。人機互動著重於開發更自然的使用者介面。為未來的智慧型電視在視覺感受和操作使用者體驗能更真實與人性化。

Crypto Team

We are now focus on fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). Fully homomorphic encryption allows for arbitrary computations on encrypted data without the need for decryption. However, current software implementations of FHE are very slow and require a huge computing power. Our goal is to build our own FHE software system and implement the hardware architecture for realizing the FHE scheme.